Company authentication code
In this weeks Ask LCM, we will be answering a question around a Companies House company authentication code. More specifically, “what do I do if I cannot find my Companies House code”.
Ask LCM is a space that we have put together where every week we answer one of your questions. We aim to keep the answers in short format so everyone has the time to read, learn and progress together.

What is a company authentication code
You may be asking yourself, what is a company authentication code.
Sometimes referred to as a Companies House code, or a Companies House E-Filing code, a company authentication code is a vital code that you need in order to successfully run your business.
Each company will receive a unique code upon incorporation. The code is a 6 digit alphanumeric code.
When you submit any digital document to Companies House, the code is what is used to authenticate that submission. Effectively linking that submission with your company. And confirming to Companies House that this is a genuine submission.
Without the code, you will be unable to submit anything to Companies House digitally. This includes your accounts and confirmation statements. Any online submissions made without the code will be rejected immediately.
Where can I find my company authentication code
As discussed above, use of the code is mandatory if you wish to submit any documentation digitally.
Therefore, a Companies House e-filing code is always provided when you initially incorporate a company.
The first place to look should be any initial paperwork that you have received from Companies House. One of these letters will have your e-filing code on it.
If you have used a third party website to incorporate your company, that is the second best place to look. If you can find your log-in details, it is almost certain that within the website you can find your authentication code.
For security reasons, Companies House will not provide you with your authentication code over the phone. So if you can’t find the paperwork and can’t log in online, your next option is to manually request that Companies House re-issue the code again.
How to request a new code
As mentioned above, for security reasons, Companies House will not tell you the code over the phone.
However, thankfully the process of requesting the code again is fairly simple.
You will need to create an account and sign in to Companies House.
This can be done via the link below.
Once logged in, follow the simple steps & you should receive the code within 5 days.
Don't wait until the last minute
The code is essential if you wish to submit any statutory documentation digitally. There is no other digital alternative.
So, if you cannot find your company code, start looking and if need be, request a new code today.
Companies House may issue penalties and potentially even close your company if you do not file your accounts or confirmation statement on time. Not having a company authentication code will not be considered as a reasonable excuse.
We hope that you have found this article useful. If you have any queries, please do get in touch. We will be happy to help.